If you liked your experience and want to help us continue these events, we have several membership options that you might consider.

SOLO  $150
-Receives priority notifications for events.
-Secures reservation for self for a whole year.

DUO $250
-Receives priority notifications for events.
-Secures reservations for self and one guest.
-Thank you acknowledgment on our site as Supporter

-Receives priority notifications for events.
-Secures reservations for self and two guests.
-Thank you acknowledgment on our site as Patron

Symphonic $1,000
All of CHAMBER perks and:
-Commission of a piece (about 5 minutes long and up to 2 instruments) to be premiered at a later soirée.
-Thank you acknowledgment on our site as Benefactor

If you would to sponsor a private soirée for your friends, clients, art collectors, or for your own charity, we can organize a private event just for you.

You can also send your donations to:
“Artistic Soirées”
111 W.  7th St., Suite 1112
Los Angeles, CA 90014

With enormous gratitude to our donors:


Hillary Caviness

Terin Ngo

Guillermo Bert

Edwin & Maricel Jongsma

Terry & Howard Rubinroit


Heidi Novaes


Eduardo Maz

Billie Greer

Stuart Taylor

Trevor Roper

If you would like to receive notifications about the events, please subscribe to our email list.

 If you would like to make a donation please use this button.

"Artistic Soirées" is a 501(c)3 non profit organization with the purpose of bringing high quality art to the public, in a relaxed environment where people can interact with the artists and experience their performance from just a few feet away. Your donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

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